Justice O'Connor gets special honor

February 23, 1982

Type: Newspaper mention
Author: Associated Press
Source: Chandler Arizonan
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VALLEY FORGE, Pa. (AP) - Supreme Court
Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, VisionQuest and a
Flowing Wells High School graduate are a!Ilong
the winners of the 1981 Freedoms Foundation at
Valley Forge National Awards, the foundation
Mrs. O'Connor, a former Arizona Court of
Appeals judge, won a Distinguished Award from
the foundation.
Jill Barber, a freshman political economy
major at Hillsdale College in Michigan, won a
"Youth Essay 1981" George Washington Honor
Medal. She was valedictorian of the 1981 Flowing
Wells graduating class.
The VisionQuest wagon train program for
troubled youths won the George Washington
Honor Medal for "Community Program 1981"
The annual awards recognize individuals and
organizations who support U.S. social, polit_ical
and economic institutions and present solutions
to contemporary problems.
Joining Mrs. O'Connor as winners of
Distinguished Awards were Beverly Sills, Pearl .
Bailey, Arthur Ashe, Rod McKuen, Roger
Staubach, the Special Olympics and,
posthumously, Anwar Sadat.
Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge, whose
honorary chairman is President Reagan,
describes itself as a non-profit, non-sectarian
and non-political organization that promotes
American heritage.