Stealing the Show

September 12, 1981

Stealing the Show
Type: Newspaper article
Author: Lois Romano
Source: Washington Post
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O'Connors Make Off With the Door Prize, Too Judge Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman nominee to the Supreme Court, made her debut on the Washington black-tie circuit last night and stole the show at the Wolf Trap Associates Ball. She also made off with the door prize. Seriously. John and Sandra O'Connor won round-trip airfare for two to Morocco in what appeared to be a legitimate drawing at the end of the ball. They were shocked. Not to mention slightly embarrassed. "I can't believe this," Judge O'Connor said. "All I wanted was a one-way ticket to the Supreme Court." Much laughter. "I think we'll need the judgment of a competent lawyer to find out if we can accept this," said John O'Connor, who happens to be a lawyer himself. More laughter. "I hope we can win like this next Wednesday." Judge O'Connor finished three days of confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday, and her nomination will be up for a vote before the full Senate on Wednesday. Because of her sensitive position, she later said they might not accept the trip. "It's just a prize, but it may be a problem," she explained. "We'll have to check into it over the weekend." The door prize reflected the theme - "The Road to Morocco" - of this year's ball thrown by the Wolf Trap Associates, a fund-raising arm of the performing arts center. Guests paid $125 apiece to attend. The food was marginally Moroccan and cocktails were served from under Moroccan-like gazebo tents. But the music was big-band.

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